“The therapeutic use of the hands is an ancient example of man’s ability to help man”
- E. Krieger Ph.D. RN
Reflex Zone Therapy
Deep relaxation.
Management of chronic pain.
Helps to reduce feelings of anxiety and distress.
The Studio
105 Cambridge Road Hardwick CB23 7QG
Saturday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 11am - 2pm and 6pm - 8pm
£65 - 1 hour
£95 - 1.5 hours
The best present you can give yourself or someone else
Neals Yard
1 Rose Crescent Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 3LL
Wednesday 10.00am – 2.00pm
Fridays 10.30 – 3.00
£65 - 1 hour
£95 - 1.5 hours